What forty looks like
Here I am, a
few hours away from waking up on my fortieth birthday. I’ve been trying for a
while to write an article about it. Summing up forty years of my life on planet
earth in words has been more difficult than I’d thought.
The world
has changed a lot since I was born in Cornwall forty years ago. No more running
to phone boxes to call friends and family, my beloved red Sony Walkman is now
obsolete and the worn VHS copies of Mary Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
from our childhood, are long gone.
Today I am
sitting at a computer with a wireless keyboard and a touch screen monitor, with
a crazy thing called the Internet about to make it possible for me to publish
this in a nano second for all to see.
My child-hood
was by all accounts pretty special. Growing up in such an idyllic place with
the beach on our doorstep, green fields to run in and a village community that
was basically an extended family. I can’t help but think I am one of the last
generation to have had such carefree, young years.
So, the
question is, how do I feel about turning forty?
It’s something
I’ve been asked a lot over this last year and it started me thinking. How do I feel about it? People have been approaching
me with trepidation like it is something ghastly that I should be preparing for
and in all honesty, I had started to feel a little nervous about it.
My thirties
have been fantastic and totally jam packed. I’ve worked in television, travelled,
had two sons, moved house four times, moved countries twice, got married, re-discovered
my love of writing, re-affirmed old friendships, formed new ones and tentatively
started to forge a second career in broadcast radio. Some would say I’ve been lucky in life so far,
I don’t think I believe in luck, I believe that you create your own opportunities and
positivity breeds positivity. I remember being told once that nothing just
‘lands in your lap’ and this is something I have never forgotten. The next
decade certainly has a lot to live up to.
I think for
many of us our thirties are our years of figuring out who we are and what we
want. I now choose my friends a lot more carefully as I am conscious that I
need to be surrounded by people that are driven, warm and emotionally generous.
Essentially the glass half full people in the world. Enthusiasm for life is
contagious, and they are the sort of people I openly and unashamedly want to be
spending my time with these days.
Becoming a
parent seems to have uncovered the real me. There is no hiding who you are when
you have children and this is something that has been my biggest learning
curve. Learning to celebrate who I am and be proud of it whether I’m
showcasing the good the bad or the ugly is, it has to be said, rather liberating.
I’ve decided
whether you feel ok about it or not, it’s hard to get to forty without
feeling like it is a milestone one way or another. It has made me look back at
the life I’ve had so far and assess what I’d like to do in the future. By now you
have usually survived a certain amount of heart ache whether that be through
relationship breaks ups or grief. You’ve had various jobs and encountered a
good deal of people in your life both personally and professionally. All these
things seem to provide perspective when looking back and for me at least,
greater clarity for my wants, looking forwards.
I’ve mentioned
in previous articles that I am a life crammer, I don’t ever want to be guilty
of wasting anything I’m given and that includes time. I guess the older I get
the more this is important to me.
I was also
very keen to see what was important to others.
Not so long
ago I put a question out to friends, family and acquaintances that had recently,
or were just about to, turn forty. How did they feel? What did it mean to them?
The responses I had were all different and fascinating. I feel privileged that
they shared their thoughts about it, whether the insights were frivolous or more
emotional. With their permission I have included some quotes from various
messages I received from both males and females all over the world.
‘I had
decided that 40 would be my cut off point for starting a family. Fast
approaching my late 30's with no potential partner on the horizon, I chose to
be realistic and told myself if I hadn't had a baby by 40, I wasn't going to
start after this age. Funnily enough, I married at 41, my husband was 49 and
had a grown up son from his first marriage who had just become a father
himself. I didn't feel pressured to be a mum as being a granny by default
suited me fine…’
‘I thought
I'd offer a perhaps different approach. I turned 40 in October. Whilst I was
nervous about the onset of age into my thirties, 40s were very different. As
someone whose life expectancy was always much less than 40, I see this as a
huge milestone and something to be celebrated in a really positive way. And
that is from a single person, without kids, and by no means having what one
might term as a 'perfect' life. For anyone feeling glum about being 40, ask the
question, how would you feel if you were not expected to reach 40?
I am loving
being 40. I can't tell you how many times I've said, 'i make no apologies,
being this way got me to 40!' What more can I say......bring on the confidence that
turning 40 has given me.....heaven help us all!’
(Cystic Fibrosis
‘So turning
40 at times I do not mind but then I think 40!!! Really 40!!! That's old like
really grown up, inside I still feel young but 40!!! No not looking forward to
it at all. However,you can still be naughty at forty right?'
the big 4-0, I'm looking forward to it. Feeling happy & content in myself
which I'm sure has to do with age....they say 40 is the new 30 or something
like that....despite health not being great, I'm loving the freedom of not
feeling the need to compete/compare with anyone....’
‘As I sit
here on my 40th birthday! My main thought today is WT actual F!!!
I'm not majorly sad or depressed about it but surprised, and actually slightly alarmed! 40 is for grownups and I am not, and refuse to be one of them! I am a natural pessimist (haven’t grown out of that!) so have a tendency to get a bit melancholy and reflective on these occasions, I am very good at looking back at good times and allowing myself to be sad that they are over rather than happy they happened to me. I think being 40 has definitely made me think like this. Life goes so damn quick! So two fingers up to the big 40- you can bog off’
‘Funnily enough I felt like an old git when I was 39 but since I turned 40 the dementia has kicked in and I've forgotten how old I am....’
I'm not majorly sad or depressed about it but surprised, and actually slightly alarmed! 40 is for grownups and I am not, and refuse to be one of them! I am a natural pessimist (haven’t grown out of that!) so have a tendency to get a bit melancholy and reflective on these occasions, I am very good at looking back at good times and allowing myself to be sad that they are over rather than happy they happened to me. I think being 40 has definitely made me think like this. Life goes so damn quick! So two fingers up to the big 40- you can bog off’
‘Funnily enough I felt like an old git when I was 39 but since I turned 40 the dementia has kicked in and I've forgotten how old I am....’
generally feeling ok about it which I think is because I am satisfied with where
I am with my life. I am happily married with 2 kids, a nice house, good job,
financial security - low mortgage and savings etc. I had none of this when I
turned 30! I would imagine I might feel quite differently if I didn't have
these things? The downside of 40 is a few grey hairs and less energy...’
‘For me it
was something I wanted to celebrate. So much so, I put the word out that I wanted
to go Vegas - anybody who was keen to join in the celebrations was welcome to
come. There was a small group of 8 of us who made it to Vegas & we had an
absolute blast! It was a moment when I reflected on what I had personally
achieved in my time. I must admit, I felt slightly proud of the decisions I'd
made, the risks I'd taken, the jobs I'd had & the fact that I'd bought a
house all on my own! I was single & happy to be single - a concept not
everybody understands!!! Many people think that if you're pushing 40 &
single, then a part of you must be sad & lonely ..... nothing was further
from the truth. I loved where I was at 40 & what I was doing. There was NO
WAY I wanted a relationship. Life was too good & I wasn't ready to change
any of the dynamics. Interestingly, I accepted that I was never going to have a
beautiful tan or bigger boobs & I was perfectly fine with all of that. My
figure had changed for the worse, there were signs of cellulite & it was a
sudden realisation that things really do go south when you're in your 40's!!!!
Something I'd always believed older people told you but secretly believed
wasn't going to apply to me!!! How wrong was I??!!! My smaller, close circle of
friends became even more important to me, I do believe that as you get older,
your true friends become very dear to you & are more important than you
ever knew they were. Amongst true friends, everything is celebrated .... the
next big one now is 50!!! Vegas anyone?!!!’
I started dreading it from around the age of 38! As the day got closer the
feeling of impending doom grew larger and although I knew there was nothing to
be done I just wanted to stop time in its tracks and never get any older. Just
the very thought of being in my forties seemed wrong as in my mind I still felt
like I was in my twenties (the body tells a different story!). It felt like I
was on a runaway train heading straight for the barrier at high speed! How
could I have reached such an age so quickly! I remember when I was little I
never wanted to get old and I of course thought 40 was ancient, I used to think
'I never want to be THAT old'!!! on the actual day I woke up feeling a little
depressed and said to myself 'oh God, it's happened, it's today, I'M 40!!!' I
did have a lovely day though and I kind of look back and wonder how I managed
to become so overly dramatic about it all! Mentally I also seem to have put
myself in an old lady category, we have quite a few 20 somethings at work and
in my mind they have become 'kids' somehow, it's just weird! ……So basically I'm
saying that I found turning 40 traumatic and ever since there just seems to be
one more weird aging development after another! There's just no future in
getting old!!! On the bright side though I no longer give a shit about what
people think of me, like me, hate me I don't care - it's surprisingly
‘Although I
am currently very optimistic about how turning 40 could be an excuse for a
party there is a part of me that wonders if this negative reflection is
inevitable? For friends at 40 who have a nice home, partner, reliable job, or
even successful career in something they love - what can they feel they don't
have, whats missing to feel sad about? Or maybe its not even that? Maybe its
reflection on 'what I should have done' even if you are happy with what you've
got? - But I think that's the important bit for me, to be grateful for what
you've got.'
‘I think
that as we approach 30 we are conditioned to reflect on material achievements
more - whether you have a house, car, career...and maybe a partner - all the
components of being a bonafide grownup? I like to think that 40 is more about
working out who is important, and who you've got - i think that maybe this is why
some people can be negatively reflective - because they are lonely or fearful
of being alone? Also I guess it’s just a significant milestone of realisation of
all that has happened, its history!...Its interesting! 40 sounds fun.’
So ladies
and gents. Whether you’re apprehensive about it or not, we’re making history and we're lucky to be doing so.
Come on
Forty lets be havin’ you, I for one am grabbing you by the balls.
Betty x